Addiction Information Archive

Addiction Information

Using Wall Art to Aid Substance Misuse Recovery

For most people who have found themselves entrapped in substance misuse, recovery is a long journey marked by small wins. There is always the risk of relapse even when
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Why Switching from Cigarette Smoking to Vaping Could be Worthwhile

Any regular smoker can attest that quitting smoking is not for everyone. There are all manner of harms that come with smoking cigarettes. And if you are looking for
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Alcoholism is a severe addiction to drinking alcohol. Those who suffer from it will be unable to control their drinking habits. This disorder is organ
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Drug Overdose

An overdose occurs when the human body consumes a toxic amount of drugs. When this happens the body is overwhelmed and can potentially shut down. Ther
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Physical Dependence And Addiction

Sometimes people believe that addiction and physical dependence are one and the same. In actuality, there is a clear difference. Addiction, also known
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Forms Of Therapy

Once a person has recognised the fact that they need help with their drug addiction then there are several forms of therapy to choose from. The one th
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NHS Help

If you are a UK resident and require treatment for addiction to drugs then you will be entitled to care from NHS. This health service attempts to supp