Addiction In Media Archive

Addiction In Media

Tackling the Help Hurdle in Substance Misuse

Unlike drug abuse, finding or offering help in cases of substance misuse is quite challenging. However, the problem happens right in front of us. Have you ever wondered why
Addiction In Media

Break the Habit with Nicotine Pouches

Smoking is terrible for you, this is well known and has been understood for years, but when cigarettes first hit the market, they were touted as being good for
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Maintaining Your Health When Recovering From Substance Misuse

Substance misuse can be an addiction that many face for a long time, and it’s never easy to recover from. A lot of help is out there when recovering
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Avoiding Relapse Into Substance Misuse

Addiction is a form of illness, and there is no clear rule on how to get completely healed. It takes self-awareness, determination, and support for someone to be completely
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Teenagers and Substance Misuse

Over the years, there has been an increase in the number of teenagers using drugs and falling into addiction. The UK is battling a looming crisis of young people
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Drugs In Popular Movies

Drugs are featured in a plethora of different movies. Sometimes the main characters derive an income from selling these illicit substances. Other film
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Substance Misuse and Help

There is no significant difference between regular substance use and substance abuse. It is hard to know when substance users have moved from using the substance to abusing it.
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Addiction Movies

Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a widespread issue that affects people from all different cultures. Hollywood often makes movies with addict charact
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Stoner Movies

Not all depictions of drugs in movies are negative. An entire sub-genre of comedy has emerged where the protagonists enjoy regularly smoking cannabis.
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It’s Always Sunny

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is an American sitcom starring Danny DeVito. It follows a group of selfish friends who run a pub together. Throughou