Addiction In Media

Substance Misuse and Help
matthew / November 9, 2019
There is no significant difference between regular substance use and substance abuse. It is hard to know when substance users have moved from using the substance to abusing it.
Addiction Information

Drug Overdose
matthew / October 27, 2019
An overdose occurs when the human body consumes a toxic amount of drugs. When this happens the body is overwhelmed and can potentially shut down. Ther
Addiction Information

Physical Dependence And Addiction
matthew / September 8, 2019
Sometimes people believe that addiction and physical dependence are one and the same. In actuality, there is a clear difference. Addiction, also known
Addiction In Media

Addiction Movies
matthew / August 24, 2019
Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a widespread issue that affects people from all different cultures. Hollywood often makes movies with addict charact
Addiction In Media

Stoner Movies
matthew / July 2, 2019
Not all depictions of drugs in movies are negative. An entire sub-genre of comedy has emerged where the protagonists enjoy regularly smoking cannabis.
Substance News

HIV Spike In Scotland Due To Drug Use
matthew / June 5, 2019
A study that was conducted from 2011 to 2018 has found that there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of HIV infections due to drug use and

How to Stop Drugs Addiction
Kim / May 16, 2019
Drug abuse is not a sign of weakness. Instead, it is a problem that you can solve if you take the necessary steps. But as with any other commitment,
Substance News

The Opioid Crisis
matthew / May 12, 2019
According to the USA's government website on drug abuse, 130 citizens lose their lives daily due to overdosing on various opioids. It has reached such
Substance News

Rise Of Cannabis Could Affect Mental Health
matthew / April 9, 2019
In the past few years, America has led the way when it comes to legalising cannabis. The government of that country would once arrest anyone found in
Addiction In Media

It’s Always Sunny
matthew / March 9, 2019
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is an American sitcom starring Danny DeVito. It follows a group of selfish friends who run a pub together. Throughou